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8 top channel partner programs to inspire your own

8 examples of successful partner programs with explanations as to why they’re effective and how you can replicate their strategy in your own business.
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Don't reinvent the wheel

You don’t have to make everything from scratch, and not everything has to be original. It’s okay to look at people who have done something successful and want to try and replicate it for yourself. But it can be difficult to break things down into the building blocks they used to get started.


There’s no other place to start than with HubSpot. When you think about successful partnership programs, it’s them that comes to mind first.

Which is impressive when you consider how many partner programs are out there. So, what is it that sets them apart and makes them the leader we all look up to?

If you look at their partner ecosystem, you will see many different partner types, such as agency partners, tech partners, affiliates, app partners, education partners, start-up program partners, and so on.

They’re smashing this partnership gig, so let’s workout why. Or rather, let’s look at the person behind the success:

Peter Caputa

Former VP of Sales at HubSpotand current CEO of Databox

"When I built the HubSpot partner program, I realized I needed to help agencies improve their own sales, marketing and retention if I ever wanted them to resell HubSpot in a retainable way. Most of them struggled with securing long-term relationships with clients and generating qualified leads for themselves. So, we taught them how to package up services in a retainer, sell more consultatively, and market in a way that generates inbound leads. By helping them with their business challenges first, we were able to get them onboard with our program and software. Once they did this for themselves, they were better equipped to resell."


Want to learn what the key takeaways from the HubSpot partner program are how to apply those to your own partner practices?

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Meet the Speakers

Speaker One
Speaker One
Allbound Speaker
Speaker Two
Speaker Two
Allbound Speaker
Speaker Three
Speaker Three
Allbound Speaker
Speaker Four
Speaker Four
Allbound Speaker