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Case study

Deposco triples partner community through Allbound implementation

Deposco, a provider of SaaS-based supply chain solutions, has revamped their partner program. Initially, their aim was to educate its partner community about what they do. But, as they began to work with Allbound, they discovered they could utilize our configurations for a whole lot more.‍ Kamran Babar, Partner Success Lead explained how automation allowed them to deliver the same service level to more partners. Since they were no longer wasting time on manual tasks, they could focus on expanding their ecosystem, safe in the knowledge that each piece of enablement material was readily available.‍ Read more about their success and how they achieved it below!
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Deposco’s main problem was educating partners about their business. So, they looked for a PRM solution that would enable them to manipulate access to different documents for specific audiences.

Kamran Babar, Partner Success Lead atDeposco, explains how they quickly saw huge value from the platform:

“As we got things running, we saw more and more use cases for using Allbound rather than Google Drive.Once we switched to hosting content on Allbound, using it for every audience just made sense. It’s easy to be granular about who you want to be able to see what, it’s now streamlined both our internal and external onboarding.”

Within Allbound, you can easily customize assets to make it really intuitive for people to interact with. For example, you can change the thumbnail images, something Deposco makes the most of by adding red stars to indicate if something is for internal use only.

“Allbound naturally became the perfect one-stop-shop for anybody to visit when they wanted to get up to speed with Deposco.”

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Meet the Speakers

Speaker One
Speaker One
Allbound Speaker
Speaker Two
Speaker Two
Allbound Speaker
Speaker Three
Speaker Three
Allbound Speaker
Speaker Four
Speaker Four
Allbound Speaker